why could your iphone 6 6s no service regulaily?
Do you know why could your iphone 6 6s no service regulaily? And do you know how to solve the problem. When you want to solve you need which tools? So today we are learning together. But befor your start, you should know what tools you need? OK Let'S begin.
1.Checking “settings”→ “general” → “about phone” after power on,there is IMEI. But there is no IMEI when dialing *#06# at the dialing interface. Repeating power on several times, sometimes there is IMEI. This kind of trouble is called *#06# no IMEI. Usually, this is caused by the troubles of RFFE1 and RFFE2 serial of the baseband. The two serials are used by baseband CPU to control the signal chips.
2.Dropped iPhones have such phenomenon because RFFE1_DATA is broken at the bottom of U1. After teardown the baseband, using an enameled wire connects the test point at the back.
3.After enameled wire connects the test point at the back, then smearing green oil and assembling the baseband.
4.Assembling the motherboard to the assembly, then power on, “no-service” doesn't appear any more after testing for several days. The trouble is removed.
This is a short guide about how to solve the iphone 6 6s, if you need some iphone repair tools, you can try vipprogrammer.com.